American Fork City has been busy the last year. Below are my Top Ten Events in American Fork, circa 2006 in my non - important opinion:
- Citizens vote for Secondary Irrigation Bond by a double digit margin. This ensures our children and grandchildren will have potable water and will aid in conservation for several decades.
- Police Wage Raises. This addresses our very public safety and well being. More needs to be done and will be done in incremental steps to include the whole department and bring us in step with our sister cities.
- City Broadband proposed Sale. I have mixed feelings about this, however I believe the pending sale of the city system sans the majority of the fiber is a responsible thing to do.
- RDA Projects completed or near completion. The refurbished Historic Downtown City Hall is inspiring. Improvements to the Amphitheater, boat harbor, expanded Rec Center, new leisure pool and a new skate park were wisely apportioned funds. This will help the Arts and Recreation quality of life elements in our community.
- Mayor Heber Thompson and Council Members Jimmy Cates, Dale Gunther and Heidi Rodeback take office. You can say what you want, but this was significant. These elected officials along with Ricky Storrs and your author are trying hard to deliver for the citizens. There is synergy at play here. But sadly, beyond the Governing Body, little has changed in the way American Fork does business in some aspects.
- Golf Course Improvements. The antiquated irrigation system, inadequate clubhouse and banquet facilities will be improved leading to additional revenue and a competitive edge in the golfing world.
- Library Upgrades. A grant to purchase new computers and put its records online was received.
- "American Fork - The Growing Years" was released. Written by Betty Spencer, this long awaited historical volume will be a treat for citizens and historians.
- New City logo being considered. In an effort to rechannel our image, a rebranding and PR campaign is in the works. The logo is one of the steps. For a look-see and some info go to David Rodeback's blog on this topic. Note: My "missing caveman" comment was a lame attempt at neanderthal humor misplaced. NO CAVEMAN OR A LIKE SIMILITUDE SHOULD BE INCLUDED. Also I believe the logo should be lighter in colors, with a white American Fork outlined in red and black. I like the logo and believe a slightly revised edition will be approved and phased in.
- Insert yours here_______________________.
Next up.......What to expect or hope for in local government in 2007.
Thank you for your input. In fact exhaustive, creative ways are being implemented. We raised fees, fines and costs reflective of our sister cities. We are undergoing a revamping of our impact fees (new and old). Those items above in addition to taxes are our only "revenue". Insofar as cost cutting; our Finance Committee (of which I am a member) is very frugal. We are requiring strict pre - bid procedures be followed. We have cut costs in our Risk Management areas, consolidated some positions, cross trained some employees, less outsourcing is occuring, we are selling our broadband and other things. If you have other suggestions, I and other Council Members would surely be interested in hearing about them.
Posted by: Shirl | January 05, 2007 at 12:29 PM
It seems like raising taxes was the easy decision. Coming up with creative ways to reduce costs and increase revenue would have been the "hard" thing to do. This city's leaders love their great and spacious city buildings. Why can't growth and tax base revenues cover increased city costs? The tax revenue off of the Meadows development alone has to be huge for the city.
Posted by: af citizen | January 04, 2007 at 12:08 PM
Local leaders often have to make hard decisions. Years of neglect on equipment and capital improvement as well as the lowest paid Police Department in the area necessitated the increase, the first in many years. The 20% increase in the city's portion raises the average homeowner's tax at $98 a year, $8.16 a month and 27 cents a day.
Posted by: Shirl LeBaron | January 03, 2007 at 11:35 PM
10. City Leaders impose the largest property tax on citizens of AF in 30 years. Now that is something to NOT be proud of!
Posted by: af citizen | January 03, 2007 at 04:10 PM