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December 31, 2006


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Thank you for your input. In fact exhaustive, creative ways are being implemented. We raised fees, fines and costs reflective of our sister cities. We are undergoing a revamping of our impact fees (new and old). Those items above in addition to taxes are our only "revenue". Insofar as cost cutting; our Finance Committee (of which I am a member) is very frugal. We are requiring strict pre - bid procedures be followed. We have cut costs in our Risk Management areas, consolidated some positions, cross trained some employees, less outsourcing is occuring, we are selling our broadband and other things. If you have other suggestions, I and other Council Members would surely be interested in hearing about them.

af citizen

It seems like raising taxes was the easy decision. Coming up with creative ways to reduce costs and increase revenue would have been the "hard" thing to do. This city's leaders love their great and spacious city buildings. Why can't growth and tax base revenues cover increased city costs? The tax revenue off of the Meadows development alone has to be huge for the city.

Shirl LeBaron

Local leaders often have to make hard decisions. Years of neglect on equipment and capital improvement as well as the lowest paid Police Department in the area necessitated the increase, the first in many years. The 20% increase in the city's portion raises the average homeowner's tax at $98 a year, $8.16 a month and 27 cents a day.

af citizen

10. City Leaders impose the largest property tax on citizens of AF in 30 years. Now that is something to NOT be proud of!

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