The election returns from todays voting has recently been posted. The following are the results with all 15 precincts reporting. For more detailed reporting click here for the Utah County website and the unofficial returns.
American Fork City Council (4 year terms):
Sherry Kramer 3,493 - 26.34%
Shirl LeBaron 3,413 - 25.74%
Ricky Storrs 3,417 - 25.77%
Jason Porter 2,852 - 21.51%
2 year term:
Dale Gunther 4,555 - 98.59%
There was a 45.84% voter turnout which is outstanding. I congratulate those who ran. I am appreciative of the support and confidence of the citizens in returning me to a second term. I believe the electorate of our city voted for experience and feels the city is on track and making good progress in quality of life areas; i.e. water, infrastructure, parks and recreation and the arts. I will continue to work for the good of the city and for you my neighbors and fellow citizens.
With regard to the proposed Main Street Plan, we receive property tax and sales tax revenue from business on Main Street. If we neglect Main Street it will result in decreased tax revenues which will leave less money for roads.
Posted by: Shirl LeBaron | November 17, 2011 at 01:44 PM
Gail, please see the most recent post
Posted by: Shirl LeBaron | November 16, 2011 at 03:02 PM
I have reviewed the proposed main street plan to "improve" it and quite frankly, it seems a far better way of using funds to just scrap that plan and put the same money into improving the residential streets, curbs and gutters. Our streets are deplorable at best. The city's paving efforts, in today's vernacular, "sucks".
Posted by: Gail A. Gibson | November 09, 2011 at 10:26 AM