email received at 10:42 tonight
Councilman LeBaron, Thanks so much for talking to (my boy scout son) for his merit badge. We were both very interested in what you told us about some of the things that need to be done. We are avid users of the Recreation Department, and appreciate all the great things they offer us here. Thanks for watching over recreation in American Fork, and for taking time for a scout!
(Scout's mom)
my reply: You're welcome, my pleasure.
email received at 11:14pm on this date:
Councilmember LeBaron,
This was the second time you've disappointed me with your vote to disregard the safety
of our youth, the future of our city. You said you wanted to do what is best for the city.....the city is people.
Sincerely, (a citizen)
Note: The vote was to determine whether the city should negotiate with a contractor to deliver gravel from the upper reservoir, to use for a needed water line to extend from the west of 1120 N. Am. Fork to 900 West. The motion included an out clause, conditioned on a use permit and that further work on the area in question would be noticed for public comment. The vote did not pass 3-2, because the Council (3 votes carries and it is now a Council Decision) felt the permit was needed first and our "ducks needed to be put in a row first"). This citizen was concerned that this motion carrying may lead to the extension of 1120 N. to 600 W. in turn increasing traffic in front of the Jr. High and posing a risk to Jr. High Students.
My reply:
I'm sorry you feel that way. The vote to negotiate a contract with contractors to save the city $400,000+ had nothing to do with the safety of children. Remember 5 yrs ago I led the charge to not sell part of Mitchell Hollow to a developer. What was the first time I voted to disregard the safety of the children?
A feel good ending and a follow up to the 2nd email above and a reply to my reply and so forth:
The first time concerned 9600 North-Highland/1500 North Am. Fork and Legacy Elem. children crossing a future 5-lane highway.
It may be a Highland road but that decision will greatly impact American Fork citizens. Anyway...
By looking at the map tonight, I can see the need for some kind of connection in the area of 1120 North but the problem of the Jr. High remains.
Please tell me your solution.
And thank you for your quick response to my original message.
Thank you for your concern and input. There was not a vote from AF on 9600 N. since it is not our road. I'm opposed to 9600 N being a major collector. I spoke out against it at the public hrg at legacy. As for the Jr high, I am going to give that some thought and research and will be back in touch in due cours. 1120 N. will go through someday. The Meadows Shopping Center and residents along 600 West need a bigger water line for fire protection, so it is a Public Safety issue. Some of the traffic westbound will come from north south 150 W. Again, thank you for being involved in the process.
Citizen: Happy Thanksgiving!
Shirl: You too. We live in a blessed community because of citizens like you who speak out.
Posted by: Shirl | December 04, 2009 at 04:36 PM
Heidi, I can not fault a colleague's vote and I know you respect others' votes as well. I appreciate your thoroughness and serving with you. I just thought it was interesting that those two emails came approx the same time. There is actually a good ending, mutual understanding, as well as a misunderstanding with the 2nd email, which is posted here.
Thanks for the comment.
Posted by: Shirl | December 04, 2009 at 04:26 PM
Takes a thick skin to do this job, doesn't it? Even though I was one of the three who voted against your two, I don't in any way disrespect your vote. There were some very compelling issues on both sides of the question. As I cast my vote against the fill, it was with a great deal of apprehension thinking of the $$$ it's going to take to finish 1120 North in future, and even more apprehension for the pedestrians and the back-up on 700 North, a situation that is becoming nightmarish. Every council member that night voted with the best interests of the residents at heart.
Posted by: Heidi Rodeback | December 04, 2009 at 01:43 PM